Running heat: These are the precautions you should take

Running heat

If you go for a run in the hottest months of the year, remember to take these precautions to train safely.

The hottest months of the year are already here, but that should not be a reason for neglecting the daily exercise that many benefits, physical and psychological, offers us. If you are a lover of running and yours is running out day in and day out, you can do so in summer; yes, taking a number of precautions that will help avoid injury or discomfort and maximize the results of your training. These are our recommendations for you to keep adding kilometers safely.

What time is best jogging?

If in autumn and winter six p.m. it is an ideal base for kilometers, since the climate is more temperate and has not yet dark, is not in the summer time. The best thing to do is choose the coolest hours of the day (early morning or late afternoon) to continue with your training.

Running heat
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You can put your alarm clock half an hour earlier to take advantage of that moment when the sun is still at the top and you can enjoy the freshness that still floods the parks and gardens of the city. Or you can take advantage of the fact that the sun sets later and go running between nine and ten p.m.: there is still light in the streets and the sun has gone down enough to run comfortably.

Hydrate before, during and after

Hydration is especially important in the summer months due to heat: the ideal is to drink whenever we thirst and hydrate with water or natural drinks whenever possible. If you’re going to go running attempts drink before leaving at least one glass of water: keep in mind that during the’ll sweat enough to activate your thermoregulation mechanisms to keep you cool exercise. If you’re going to do a long run (one hour or more) is a good idea to carry a camelback or water backpack carrier or, if possible, stop along the way at some source to hydrate with fresh water.

Once the training finished and back home need to reprograms all these liquids have lost. Hydrate with water or an isotonic drink: these drinks, as well as help to replace fluids also serve to provide the minerals that we have lost through sweat. Choose one that does not contain sugar or performing a discrete input.

Moreover, it is good idea to use technical clothing to help us evacuate sweat while we are training for that we not get wet and avoid one of those annoying colds summer. Each brand of clothing has patented different tissues: choose the one that best suits your needs.

Protect yourself from sunlight

Something that we often forget is to protect us from the sun’s rays when we go out to train. We should note that in the summer months expose more skin to the sun and we must protect it properly. A half hour before leaving to train should use a sunscreen with a suitable filter (we will not stop us to renew the application of the protective, so the higher the SPF, the longer protect us). No matter if the day is cloudy presents: sunscreen should always accompany us as the sun’s rays are able to penetrate the cloud layers.

Remember to place special emphasis on some sensitive areas of the body like the face (uses a specific sunscreen to the skin of the face, which is low fat), shoulders, décolleté and the top of the ears. These are the areas that receive sunlight that is more direct.

Today we can find some specific sunscreens for athletes, sweat resistant and high protection filters, which are ideal for training our outings. Accompanies the use of the guard with a hat or scarf over her head and a sports sunglasses adapted to the brightness of the day and you’re perfectly protected.

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