Summer: How to protect yourselves from the heat?


The summer: there are those who adores her and is waiting the whole winter, but whoever bears little. It is said that the heat do not defend ourselves, while the cold …. “Just cover well.”

True, the heat makes you sweat, it hurts sleep, can make nerve and procure stress, can weaken and make you feel exhausted, increases the risk of dehydration and gastrointestinal disorders.

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In fact, the summer heat, especially if it exceeds 30 degrees, it can be risky, but we can defend by implementing some tricks:

  • Drink plenty of water (1 liter and a half / 2 liters a day), drink often and never too cold water. Better is a little drink, but frequently, rather than so much water a few times.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and coffee. Promote dieresis and hence the loss of fluids.
  • Feed on vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables cucumbers, tomatoes, various types of salads, peppers, zucchini and then watermelons, melons, plums and others. Contain water, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, all particularly useful to combat the heat and maintain a proper hydration.
  • Prefer light diet. With the heat, the body is more difficult to digest and also, if you want to keep an eye on the scale is best to avoid fried, fatty and succulent dishes … not exactly summer dishes. Instead, choose fish and poultry.
  • Pay attention to food storage. With warm foods deteriorate more easily and increases the risk of developing germs which can cause troublesome gastrointestinal disturbances resulting in diarrhea or vomiting.
  • With the heat you sweat more. To counter the external temperature and prevent the body will “overheat” the body secretes sweat and sweating favors the “cooling” of the body. [The sweating is a mechanism used by the body to cool down and avoid the heat.] To replenish fluids and salts that are lost sweating, you need to drink water and eat properly with fruits and vegetables.
  • In case of excessive sweating due to particular situations, such as the practice of intense and prolonged sport (marathons, cycling races ….) The use of salt supplements may, consulting your doctor, be advised. The replenishment of water and salt is important if you do not want to reach out to low blood pressure or cramps and exhaustion.
  • Make shorter showers, bathe often the face, arms or feet, can help lower your body temperature.
  • Avoid going out during the hottest hours. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics such as linen, cotton, avoiding the possible synthetic fabrics and loose-fitting clothing that increase the feeling of warmth. Wear a hat and protective goggles for the eyes.
  • In the car and at home to use in moderation the air conditioner or the air conditioner, so as not to expose themselves to rapid temperature changes when you exit.

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