How to prepare a smoothie to hydrate your body and lose weight

Prepare a smoothie

It’s delicious, nutritious, refreshing and helps to control hunger! This is the smoothie learn to prepare today. You will love it for sure!

Proper hydration is considered one of the bases for years to lose weight in a healthy way. The body needs the right amount of liquid to perform optimally each of its functions.

The liquids, also, are needed to control hunger and to avoid excessive intake of calories during the day.

For this reason, a low consumption of liquid can result in an increase of weight and cause the development of different health problems.

Fortunately, there are drinks with moisturizing properties that help to ingest the right amount of water and they bring an extra nutrient that helps you lose weight.

It is precisely the case with this powerful green smoothie that we want to share with you in our article today and you can add to your diet to help lose a few pounds.

You want to know how to prepare it?

Prepare a smoothie
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Moisturizing smoothie to lose weight the healthy way

This natural smoothie is a combination of moisturizing ingredients and rich in nutrients, such as cucumber, spinach and apples.

Its high fiber content promotes bowel movements and helps to combat digestive problems that favor the accumulation of fat.

It is a rich source of antioxidants and chlorophyll substances whose effects on the body fight oxidative damage and the accumulation of toxins.

The properties of spinach

The spinach are rich in substances known as thylakoids, which give a feeling of satiety up to 95% and a weight loss up to 43%.

It is a source of vitamins A, C and E and minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium.

The most interesting feature is that 100 grams of spinach contains only 26 calories, but have a high content of antioxidants.

The properties of cucumber

The cucumber is made for 96% water, which explains their diuretic and digestive. Regular consumption of this ingredient helps to balance the amount of fluid from the body and stimulates the removal of accumulated debris.

This vegetable is one of the ingredients used in slimming diets because it is low in calories and contains enzymes that facilitate the digestion of fats.

The properties of green apple

The green apple is low in calories, sodium and fat. In addition, it is a natural source of pectin, a type of fiber that allows you to maintain stable cholesterol and eliminate waste accumulated in the colon.

It also contains powerful enzymes that improve nutrient absorption and digestion of proteins and fats.

Eating green apple activates the functions of metabolism and helps you feel more satisfied than other foods.

The properties of celery

Celery is rich in water and 100 grams contains only 16 calories. Take this vegetable favors the hydration of the body and helps eliminate fluid retained in the tissues.

It is also a rich source of natural oils such as limonene, selinene and asparagine, as well as vitamins A, E and Group B.

How to prepare this moisturizer milkshake to lose weight?

To make this even more effective smoothie, we add a little ‘of lemon juice and a pinch of ginger.

The result that you will get is a satiating drink that you drink on an empty stomach or just feel the looming famine.

You can drink a glass of this milkshake two or three times a day, because contains few calories and many essential nutrients.

The best aspect is that manage to hydrate the body, thus promoting the body’s functions that require water and mineral salts.


  • 1 cup of spinach (30 gr)
  • ½ green cucumber
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 pinch of grated ginger
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)


  • Wash vegetables and cut into small pieces to blend it more easily.
  • Disinfect the apples with a little ‘of vinegar and cut to remove the seeds.
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender, including the lemon juice, grated ginger and two glasses of water.
  • Blend all the ingredients for a few seconds until obtaining a homogeneous beverage and without pieces of fruit or vegetables.

Modes of hiring

  • Started drinking a glass of this smoothie on an empty stomach and then drink the rest between meals.
  • It is best to drink this smoothie for a week in a row, at least once a month.

You have to remember that the effects diet of this drink are obtained only when its consumption is accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet.

Follow these tips and you will see for yourself all the benefits to your health and body.

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