Does honey helps you lose weight?


Thanks to its flavor, honey helps to ease anxiety and the need to consume sweet foods, while active metabolism.

The result of the tireless work of bees has many properties for humans and it is recommended to consume, for example, to cure diseases.

If used externally is very good for improving the health of skin and hair. But what if we told you that honey is used to lose weight? Do you believe?

In this article we explain why our statement.

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The diet of honey

There are doctors who suggest that with a spoonful each night, in a matter of weeks, various sizes are reduced.

The so-called “diet honey” is already generating many followers around the world especially those who have tried other regimes without successful results.

While there are no “slimming” miracles, the truth is that honey causes changes in metabolism that help us lose the extra kilos. As a first step because it reduces desires (cravings) eating sweet things.

The amount of sugar in honey is enough to satisfy the anxiety for chocolate or a portion of cake. And best of all, the quality is superior and does not generate dependency (as does the refined sugar, for example).

The results of the investigations on the slimming powers of honey state that has natural sugars that have the ability to tell the brain “and have received the daily dose of sweet.”

The brain mechanisms that are increasingly demanding sugar, apparently, go out and not “bother” until the next day.

One of the reasons why people cannot lose weight is consuming too much processed and sugary foods. It is also the reason why more and more obese worldwide.

Even low-fat foods have in their composition sugar or flour “hidden”.

Honey also acts as an anti – stress and anxiety reducer and nerves.

When things have cravings for sweets, once we ingested, the body reacts so that it remains on standby for several hours.

This causes cannot sleep properly, we wake up in the middle of the night or have insomnia.

It is proved that a good rest helps us lose weight because during the night are carried out some repair processes muscles and burning fat.

So if we eat a spoonful of honey before bedtime we are satiating the appetite for sweets without causing addiction (as the fructose in it is natural and high quality) and, at the same time, giving the opportunity to the body to rest and recovers accordingly.

Honey, cinnamon and water: The ideal recipe?

There are several theories about the powers of honey to lose weight. In addition to consuming a spoonful before bed we can harness its benefits during the day (but not overdo quantities).

In this case, for the diet to work properly, we must also do our part. Of course, no pain, no results.

It should stop eating completely sugar and processed. Surely this will seem impossible, but it is not so. Do not forget that you will be with honey satiating the need for sweets.

  • Sweeten your desserts, fruits and tea with honey (find it in several forms, more liquid or more solid, more or less sugar, etc.) and incorporates more fruits, vegetables and legumes in your daily diet.
  • Leave aside the flour, soda and fats.
  • Drink 2 liters of water daily and do not forget the exercise.

This way you will be helping your body to burn fat and eliminate accumulated toxins.

Many athletes consume every day a glass of water with honey and cinnamon to supplement their diet. The good news is that there need to be a highly competitive athlete to take advantage of the benefits of this recipe.


  • 1 cup warm water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25g)
  • Pinch of cinnamon


  • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the honey and cinnamon and mix well.
  • Drink before bedtime and when you get up (half an hour before breakfast).

In those moments when anxiety comes over you and you do not know what to do to stop thinking about eating sweet things, this tea you can be very useful.

It is recommended syndrome in women with premenstrual , in people nervous or stressed, when you have too much work or are anxious about something that is about to occur.

A cup of tea with honey and cinnamon and your brain will calm. It may seem strange, but that’s how it works.

In case you also want to lose a few kilos, you will also come wonders.

And one of the common problems of overweight people is that they can not control their urge to eat even without appetite.

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