There are statements, mode or legends, which have become for many people the “truth”, simply because for years feel repeat from friends and acquaintances.
We try to put some of order and see if among the many claims that are often made on foods or habits are true, especially if you promise a weight loss.
The fruit does not get fat
Of course, the fruit contains no fat and is less caloric desserts and appetizers, but it contains sugar. Eat too much, then, it can lead to introduce too many calories. This is true for all the fruits and not just for bananas, grapes, figs and persimmons. What to do then? Eat 2-3 fruits a day is essential, but we must not exaggerate: 4-5 fruits have the same calories than a plate of pasta and satiate less.
Fruits should never be eaten after a meal
The fruit has the same calories at any time of the day is eaten but is easily fermentable. And therefore preferable (but not required) to take it between meals, because if consumed at the end of the fruit meal inhibits gastric secretion, slows the digestion of proteins and inflates the belly.

The pineapple or pineapple juice burns fat
The big tropical fruit has no slimming power. Having diuretic properties can help those suffering from water retention forcing him to remove fluid in the urine. But the flab, if any, remains. And ‘true is that the pineapple facilitates digestion of protein foods (steak, cheese & C.), thanks to its enzyme called bromelain.
Brown sugar and fructose are best for white sugar
Brown sugar is simply a not totally refined sugar: the differences in color and flavor depend on the presence of small amounts of plant residues that do not have particular nutritional meanings. The brown sugar has the same caloric value and nutritional characteristics for white sugar.
Fructose is instead the sugar present in fruits, in honey and in plants.
Combined with glucose forms sucrose (common white sugar cooking) with respect to which it has a higher sweetening power (almost double).
Fructose causes a more moderate increase in blood sugar but its long-term intake (primarily: through drinks) would accelerate the onset of obesity and increase the risk of diabetes, contributing to dyslipidemia (alteration of cholesterol and triglycerides).
To these the reasons American Diabetes Association strongly advises against the use of fructose as a sweetener in diabetic subjects and suggests non-diabetics to moderate as much as possible the intake of fructose in the diet. This applies to the fructose used as a sweetener, not to the one contained in the fruit.
The carbonated water makes you fat
It is not true that the carbonated water is fattening. The water (or less with the addition of carbon dioxide) does not contain calories. Any swelling and weight changes due to ingestion or elimination of water are momentary and deceptive. Also you can drink at any time, at the limit, if it exceeds the amount will stretch a little time of digestion (for a dilution of digestive juices).
The water consumed at the meal is useful to facilitate the digestive process because it improves the consistency of ingested foods.
The sweeteners are bad
Artificial sweeteners, i.e. saccharin, aspartame and acetilsulfame have no calories and, if you do not exceed the acceptable daily intakes are absolutely not harmful to health. In any case it is not an obligation to use them because it 1-2 teaspoons of sugar per day NOT veering caloric revenue even those on a diet.
The “light” foods are not fattening
The so-called food “light” are less calorie (because of the traditional ones with added water or air), but the fact that they yield less calories (weight for weight) does not mean, however, that make lose weight. They should therefore be consumed without exaggeration and in place (not in addition) to those “whole.”
Frozen products are not “healthy”
The vitamin heritage and the nutritional value of the food remains unchanged if it is kept the “cold chain” (constant temperature until use at -18 ° C), and if the quality, freshness and preparation methods of the starting product are adequate. Of course, it is good to avoid all the frozen ready meals, seasoned and very often too high in fat.
Bread and pasta make you fat; the rice is more “light”
And ‘one of the most common errors, but it is not true that those on a diet must avoid breads, rice and pasta. Sugars or carbohydrates, in fact, constitute the main source of energy and should represent more than 50% of the calories introduced every day. If you do not eat enough, your body gets tired because he has to obtain them from other sources. Plus, sooner or later comes the sugar cravings, which often results in a sweet maybe between meals or after dinner, far more risky for the line of a plate of pasta.
The rice provides the same calories of the dough, but more satisfied (because with cooking the beans retain a lot of water and swell) and is much more digestible. Brown rice is generally preferable to the white one, especially for the higher intake of fiber (2 grams against 1 gram of white rice). The fibers help to slow down the absorption of sugars and above are an invaluable ally for the regular intestinal transit.
Crackers and breadsticks are better bread
Eat breadsticks or crackers instead of bread when you are on a diet it does not make sense. Weight for weight, in fact, breadsticks and crackers contain more calories of bread. To make it more pleasing these dried products, they are added sugars and fats that are not found in the bread. To get diet and digestion right, who is heavy bread can choose the one with fewer crumbs. Ferment less and will be “light” such as dried products.
The organically produced foods are more nutritious
Organic foods have proved devoid of pesticides and pesticide residues, but not for this reason more healthy. To date, lack of long-term studies comparing the health of consumers of organic food with that of those taking traditional foods instead. The only real differences recognized between conventional foods and those produced from organic farming concern the manner of production, harvesting and processing (it is a production method that ensures the compliance of the environment).