Then we will see the treatment of salmonellosis based mainly on proper diet and most interesting medicinal plants.
What is Salmonellosis?
Salmonellosis is a zoonosis that is caused by the Salmonella bacteria, foodborne. You can produce acute poisoning outbreaks due to contaminated food.
generally affects the intestinal tract and sometimes can reach the bloodstream. Anyone can get salmonellosis but is much more common in infants and children.

Causes of salmonellosis
- As we said, salmonellosis is in contaminated food. Some foods that come from the food industry has not made them a good quality control or have been contaminated in packaging.
- Also one of the causes of Salmonellosis is domestic if there is good hygiene.
- Another cause occurs in the restoration, either because not implemented good hygiene or because the food is not sufficiently cooked.
- In foods that have been detected more Salmonella bacteria are unprocessed meats, egg products or preparations of this containing raw egg infected with salmonella as mayonnaise, salsa, masses of pastry, creams, unpasteurized of dairy products, chocolate, soybeans, alfalfa seeds and products that are not cooked.
- Individuals or infected animals can transmit the bacteria through feces because salmonella is excreted in them.
Symptoms of Salmonellosis
Symptoms of ingesting Salmonella bacteria produce diarrhea and / or acute intoxication box box, fever, headache, abdominal pain and vomited once.
Blood infections are more serious because the most common people of suffering are teenagers or older people.
Phytotherapy in salmonellosis
A serious natural antibiotic coriander, contains a potent compound that Gentimicina (health antibiotic recommended against salmonellosis) also creates less resistance to traditional health antibiotic.
Nectar also take black bilberries which is rich in tannins and have a calming effect for intestinal problems; They act as anti-inflammatory drugs on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, also battling diarrhea. Take a glass before each meal, ensalivarse well juice and drink it slowly.
What would be the diet to follow in case of Salmonellosis?
When you have a diarrheal illness, first of all would be to ensure fluid intake, as many electrolytes are lost. I would recommend taking isotonic drinks, lots of water, alkaline lemonade (1c.s whole or refined sugar, sea salt 1c.p or Maldom or sea salt, 1 tsp baking soda and lemon juice).
When they see that it is absorbing fluids well, you can start taking tea, especially green tea and black tea because they contain tannins and help rebuild the gut flora, captan mineral salts and water from the intestinal tract.
Once recovered lost fluids begin to take vegetable broths with seaweed and smoothies Granada, with celery and carrot. Also potato and carrot puree, and then to introduce solid foods.
Solid foods recommended
- Cereals (better refined) also take a small portion of whole grains: rice, pasta, bread, crackers Mary, millet, quinoa.
- Legumes: if you feel good cereals, legumes start taking screened without skin or coral lentils, always accompanied by cereals.
- White fish: grilled or medium heat, covered, steamed or baked.
- Tortilla clear: the clear can be taken in form or poached egg.
- Turkey: you can take but a small amount per day (20 g) and better than cold cuts.
- The vegetables are not interested in it raw, cooked better. Take borage, cabbage, chard gashes.
At any time of the diet if diarrhea again to start from the first test until assimilate all food properly.
Prevention of salmonella
- Hygiene when cooking food and personal hygiene.
- Avoid raw foods when temperatures are high. (Cook them).
- Be careful when handling food.
- Clean utensils, tables, surfaces and hands when changing from one food to another or from one another cooking oil.