When I came to the gym, I had a clear goal: to remove the extra 4 kg and “build up” some of the strategically important zones. I was really convinced that the result directly depends on the qualification of the coach: helped me to correct the food and made a schedule of training taking into account what time of the day it is better to go in for sports. I know that many people do physical exercises at home, so the advice of a professional coach can come in handy. In this article, I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned.
What time of day is it better to exercise?
To answer the question “What time of the day is it better to exercise?” – You need to determine your daily rhythms.
How? On the advice of the coach, I measured the temperature every 2 hours for 3 days. As a result, it turned out that the lowest rate was at 7 am (36.4) and the highest at 15-16 hours (about 36.7). Carry out such an experiment and determine for what time the peak temperature is necessary – this interval will be the most effective for training. Only in most cases all their endurance, concentration and activity at this time have to be directed to work assignments.
But there is a way out: depending on the purpose of your studies, you can vary the time.

When it is better to go in for sports in order to lose weight?
Absolute majority of girls are interested in when it is better to go in for sports in order to lose weight. The optimal interval is in the morning, until 11 am and in the evening from 17 to 19 hours. In the first case, you “accelerate” the metabolism, and in the second – eliminate the consequences of being overeaten for the day.
Keep in mind that classes in the morning do not mean getting up at 5:30 (when you usually wake up at 7) and run 4 km along the nearest park. Such a load on an uninvited organism will lead to problems with pressure and heart. If you do not want to suffer from dizziness, start training at a comfortable time from 8-9 hours and shift the start for 30 minutes a week.
Kinds of sports
Because ahead of the working day, you need to choose the kind of activity that will adjust to the working rhythm, rather than squeeze out all the juices. Optimal: swimming, yoga, pilates, cardio-activity of average activity (light running, exercise bike, dancing types of fitness).
The best time of the day for training to increase muscle mass
If you want to get an impressive relief and gain a few pounds of muscle mass, engage best in peak activity: those same “golden” hours with maximum body temperature. Why? You are hardy, the blood quickly arrives at the muscles, you easily recover and perceive increased stress. Plus ahead of two more meals and the body will get the necessary amount of protein.
Most of us have to spend this time at work, and to break into the gym in the daytime is obtained only on weekends. In this case, the best time of day for training is from 17 to 19 pm.
Kinds of sports
Exercises with weight in the gym, endurance training, active endurance run.
The optimal balance: When to play sports the best?
Just to determine when to play sports best is not enough. It is necessary to enter the training in your rhythm of life. My coach advised such a regime …
- 2 times a week classes at 8 am – dance fitness, light cardio loads on the treadmill and stretching;
- 2 times a week at 16 o’clock – intensive training with weight to work out muscles, increase endurance and intensive burning of calories.
I’ve been doing it for 5 months already, I can say that I am satisfied with the result. And which training mode allows you to get the desired effect?