Suffer the spring tiredness? With the arrival of spring in 2016, we have devoted more space to those typical hassles that many experience during the change of season. Today we focus on the feeling of exhaustion typical of the changing season.
Rising temperatures, the longer days, the daylight saving time and for those who suffer from allergy, the release of air pollen, are all factors that affect our health and on our behavior: in this period lowers the degree of concentration, it feels a general sense of fatigue and desire to rest more often and longer. The spring fatigue is a normal phenomenon that affects just about anyone, but we have some tips for your diet that will allow you to spend the day with more energy and determination.

We selected five foods that can help you fight fatigue excessive…
Iron spinach
You know Popeye and his spinach miraculous? In fact, we get pretty close: spinach is rich in iron, an essential mineral for our body, which promotes the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Low iron levels, in fact, can cause mental and physical fatigue because the contribution responsible of oxygen to our body through the blood. We find a high percentage of iron also as soy, pumpkin seeds, in the quinoa and white beans.
The energy of the pulses
Legumes are a constant source of energy and, in the right amounts suggested by a nutritionist, they can cover the intake of proteins necessary for our body, with a reduced amount of calories and fat. Beans and peas are particularly suitable in a diet because they are rich in protein, respectively, and minerals, ideal to give the body energy and increase the defenses of the immune system.
Strawberries for memory
Strawberries are not only rich in vitamin C (which we will discuss later) but also of folic acid that helps strengthen memory and potassium. This is a seasonal fruit that appeals to young and old, can provide energy and minerals for our body.
Potassium rich fruit
We also recommend other fruits, especially rich in potassium, which ensures the proper functioning of muscles and nervous system, thus avoiding exhaustion. Some examples? Banana and kiwi!
Vitamin C: Not only fruit
Vitamin C is not only contained in fruits but also in other foods such as asparagus, broccoli, cabbage and tomatoes. A diet rich in vitamin C is essential in every season of the year, but particularly with the arrival of the high temperature, it is advisable to increase the intake.