Plant proteins help you to fight cholesterol


There is much talk of vegetable protein, mainly to replace those animals for those who decide to follow a vegetarian or vegan. In fact, the same as recommended World Health Organization, we should give space in our diet to a more plant protein and limiting animal protein. Because?

First, because while the food of animal origin as well as being a source of protein often contain also a fair amount of saturated fats – which must be limited so as not to cause damage to our body – plant proteins come from foods substantially free of saturated fats and therefore more help in controlling your cholesterol. Without considering that are decidedly more eco-friendly, since their production has a lesser impact on the environment.

In general, all proteins are used to provide our body with the essential amino acids for many important functions in our body. Plant proteins lack certain amino acids compared to those animals such as legumes do not contain the amino acid methionine – which instead is found in grains – which themselves are deficient in another amino acid, lysine, which is used in the same pulses. For this reason it is good practice to combine cereals and legumes : by doing so you will complete the framework of the amino acids that you need to stay healthy.

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Where are the vegetable protein? They are rich in foods such as cereals, legumes, seeds, algae, fruit and vegetables, in addition to soy and its derivatives.

Here we list 8 examples of good plant sources of protein, with as many proposals of recipes to prepare these foods. Therefore, you can start now to experiment with diets rich in plant proteins with great benefit for your liver and your overall well-being.

But be careful not to demonize animal protein, more easily digestible and higher biological value, containing all essential amino acids. In fact, a healthy diet should be able to integrate in the right measure both animal proteins, as well as those of vegetable origin should.

1) Pulses

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Fresh, but especially dried, legumes are excellent sources of vegetable protein: boiled version in a portion of this food contains about 16 grams of protein.

In addition, legumes are rich in dietary fiber and contain low fat (2-4%), so they are an ideal food if you’re on a diet.

A tip: If you choose dried vegetables, so that will swell, before cooking them and put them to soak 12 to 24 hours.

Chickpea soup with rosemary

A soup yummy and perfect both in winter and in summer, when served cold.

Ingredients for 4 people …

  • 200 gram
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 200 g. of peeled tomatoes
  • Rosemary to taste

2) Almonds

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Among the dried fruit, almonds are food with higher content of vegetable protein: 100gr of shelled almonds can contain up to 20 grams of protein.

You can choose to eat almonds as appetite suppressant snack, maybe preparing a delicious bar, as you suggest with our recipe.

A tip: 8-12 almonds a day is the right amount to take full advantage of the benefits of the fruit, without being overwhelmed by calories.

Oat Bars, coconut and cranberries

Cereals and fruit for a tasty snack, ideal to break the hunger or be reloaded after sports.

Serves 8 bars …

  • Oatmeal: 70g
  • Whole Almonds: 30g
  • Shelled walnuts: 30g
  • Pumpkin seeds: 10g
  • Coconut flakes: 30g
  • Dried cranberries: 20g
  • Raisins: 10g
  • Salt: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Maple Syrup: 40ml
  • Honey: 30gr.
  • Brown Sugar: 15g

3) Spinach

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In addition to asparagus, which after legumes contain the highest proportion of vegetable protein, although spinach is a good source of this nutrient. In 100 grams of boiled and salted spinach, for example, are 5 grams of protein.

A tip: If you can raw preferential. The nutritional content of raw spinach consists of 30% from protein.

Integral Pizza with spinach and mushrooms

The spinach and mushrooms are the perfect match from the standpoint of taste and nutritional values. Both of which are important friends of diuresis, help eliminate fluids and fight water retention and cellulite.

Total calories: 1841 kcal / a pizza Calories: 460 kcal

The ngredienti for 4 pizzas …

  • Integral base for pizza
  • 800 g frozen spinach
  • 400 g of mushrooms already cleaned and cut
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil + 1 / spoon for greasing baking
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic

4) Quinoa

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This herb has a high content of amino acids – such as milk – and is very rich in proteins, could easily replace meat in your daily diet. It is rich magnesium and iron and so is great for strengthening the body and combat fatigue.

Hint: It’s a great substitute for pasta and cereals for celiac disease, because it is totally free of gluten.

Red quinoa salad, green apple and avocado

Original and tasty salad, low-fat and thanks avocado rich in potassium, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.

Total calories: 1530 kcal / per person Calories: 380 Kcal

Ingredients for 4 people …

  • 260 g of red quinoa
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 bunch of radishes
  • Half an avocado
  • 20 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Basil to taste
  • Salt

5) Soybeans

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Soy is a leguminous plant such as peas, chickpeas and beans. Rich in protein, low in cholesterol, useful ally in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, soy appears to be a new food-health.

Soy yogurt homemade yogurt without

The recipe to prepare a delicious soy yogurt you can eat even if you are intolerant to milk.

Total calories: 352 kcal / calories per 100g: 35 kcal


  • 1 liter of soymilk
  • 3 heaping tablespoons of soy yogurt at room temperature *

* Choose a yogurt with a farthest possible expiration date; it will be more full of live lactic ferments. It is important that the yogurt is not cold, but at room temperature.

6) Tempeh

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Also known as soy meat, tempeh comes from the fermentation of cooked soybeans alone, or with the addition of grains like barley, rice or wheat. On his good protein, plus the Vitamin B12, scarcely present in other foods of a vegetarian diet, the unsaturated fats, lecithin and fiber.

A tip: Tempeh should always be cooked to eliminate the bitter taste.

Chunks of tempeh, honey and pollen

An original dessert, easy to prepare and very healthy because of poor fat.

Calories per serving: 186 Kcal

Ingredients for 4 people …

  • 200 gr. Natural Tempeh
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 25 grams of flower pollen
  • 300 gr. of low-fat yogurt
  • 1 small mocha coffee to 2 cups
  • 1 sprig of lavender and some flower to decorate cold (still edible

Preparation time: 45 minutes

7) Tofu

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The tofu is a food-based yellow soybeans, and then 100% vegetable. In 100 g of this food, you are about 10g of protein and only one gram of saturated fat.

Broccoli and tofu in spicy curry

Total calories: 574 kcal / Calories per serving: 144 Kcal

Ingredients for 4 people …

  • 800 g of already cleaned broccoli tops
  • 180 g of tofu
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • spicy curry

8) Seitan

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The seitan is derived from wheat flour and barley flour then, despite being a completely vegetarian food is not suitable for people with celiac disease because it contains gluten.

The presence of proteins in the seitan, however, is much higher than carbohydrates: 100 grams of this food contain about 24 grams of vegetable protein.

Seitan with cherry tomatoes

The seitan with tomatoes is a nutritious dish light taste. Simple and quick to prepare, seitan with tomatoes is also easy to digest. You can try it in the evening to keep light, and or to lunch in the office as it keeps well and is also good cold.

Ingredients …

  • Seitan
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil

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