Keeping kids entertained at a wedding

A bride and groom will want to share their wedding day with many of their family and friends. One of the decisions they need to make is whether or not to include children in the day. As part of their family and their friends’ families, it will be a natural choice for many couples to invite children to join in the celebrations.

According to BBC News, about half of couples getting married choose not to invite children.

What can wedding guests do to keep their children entertained?

Before the wedding, it is helpful to talk to your children about weddings, what happens and how they are expected to behave – particularly if they have never been to one before!

You could help them feel involved by asking them to help you choose the family’s wedding outfits, perhaps by helping you to look for dresses for wedding guests online; go for some options.

On the day itself, be prepared to take your children out of the ceremony if they are becoming noisy or disruptive. It can be useful to sit near the end of a row to make this easier. Have some snacks and drinks available for the children to nibble on after the ceremony. It can be a long time for little ones between the ceremony and food being served at the reception!

Pop some activities in your bag for the children to do if they become bored, perhaps a small book for toddlers and some colouring or puzzles for older children. You can also do a lot to prevent boredom with a simple game of “I spy” or counting colours of dresses.

What should the bride and groom consider?

It is lovely if couples can provide a wedding favour tailored to their younger guests. Colouring or sticker books on the table at the reception are a gift the children can take home that will also help to keep them quiet and occupied! Other popular ideas are a small soft toy or even hiring a children’s entertainer if there will be a few children attending.

Consider having a separate table for children at the reception if they are old enough not to need help with their food. This will go down well with both parents and kids!

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