How to Keep the Kids Happy and Busy at Home

With the kids being off school for the foreseeable future, and with nowhere to go with them many parents are probably tearing their hair out by now! These difficult times call for drastic measures and getting the kids to run off some steam is an important thing to do whilst we are all cooped up indoors. Here are a few ways you can keep them busy…

Back Garden Sports – If you have a garden you don’t need a huge amount of room – set up a basketball hoop and have a shootout set up outdoor PE – a skipping rope for example, is good for this, and if you have a patio draw some chalk games like traditional hopscotch.

Arts and Crafts – Arts and crafts are a great way for kids to spend time enjoying their creative side and you can even use it as a way to help out people who may be feeling a little lonely. Get your kids to make cards for elderly neighbours to brighten their day, or cheerful signs to stick in the window to raise a smile from passers-by.

Reading – This is a great time to enjoy books – in our usual busy lives it is a sad truth that books often lay forgotten, but in these troubled times, engaging children with books can help transport them to another world and raise their spirits at what is a difficult period of adjustment.

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