Breads, what to choose among many options?


If you love bread while looking for a healthy diet, you should know that this food can be part of your daily diet and always when you choose correctly. Since there are a variety of breads, today we help you choose the most suitable option function.

The nutrients of different breads

The first thing to know in order to choose according to our needs, tastes and / or preferences, is the nutritional composition of different breads.

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To do this, then let the following table showing the caloric contribution and different nutrients of some bread per 100 grams…

White bread 261 Kcal 51.5 g 8.5 g 1.6 g 3.5g 540 mg 56 mg 110 mg
Bread 272 Kcal 49.9 g 7.8 g 3.8 g 3.6 g 530 mg 91 mg 129 mg
Wholemeal bread 221 Kcal 38 g 7 g 2.9g 7.5 g 550 mg 54 mg 230 mg
Integral bread 259 Kcal 44 g 10.9 g 3 g 6g 530 mg 99 mg 222 mg
Rye bread 230 Kcal 45.8 g 6.21 g 1 g 6.46 g 523 mg 29 mg 244 mg

As we can see, the whole wheat bread in all its versions and rye bread are the most fiber offer and fewer carbohydrates contain. Also, regarding the content of sodium, all breads are a significant source of this mineral, while the content of calcium includes bread mold and respect to potassium is rye bread and whole grain breads that higher proportions offer.

Which to choose?

If we seek to choose the most appropriate option to include as part of a healthy diet, you must consider that the breads that most fiber offer and fewer carbohydrates contain have the lowest glycemic index, therefore, may be the most recommended if we lose weight, lower cholesterol or control blood glucose levels. Also, these will be the breads that offer more satiety.

We can also choose white bread, with less fiber and carbohydrates if we seek energy rapidly absorbed, whereas if we want a low – fat food, it is advisable to avoid the loaves that are precisely those higher proportions of this nutrient concentrate and which also may contain sugars in its composition.

If we look more potassium, comprehensive versioning and rye they are always those that offer as much.

In general, the whole wheat bread is always the healthier alternative and recommended to include in our diet, and if it is homemade and less commercial, more even consumption is advised.

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