In most cases the correct functioning of the brain is due to good nutrition, not forget that this is one of the parts of the body that is always working, so it is necessary to have well – fed and in perfect condition. So in this post we will stop at the 5 foods considered super foods for the brain because of the properties have time to nurture.

First we will stop in broccoli as one of the foods that we highlight in this list. This is because it contains plenty of nutrients like vitamins and minerals that will help us produce neurotransmitters involved in everyday brain function. This makes this food must be present in our diet. In addition, we must not forget that being a food low in fat will help us maintain low cholesterol levels helping our body to get better circulation and thus a better flow to the brain.
Olive oil
Secondly we will stop in other foods such as olive oil, which contains plenty of important antioxidant for proper functioning of the body. These antioxidants will also help us make our brain work better, as they will prevent free radicals damaged brain cells. So it is recommended to get a better overall health and food preserving memory.
Another food to keep in mind and that is very good for the conservation of the brain is avocado. It is known to its high content of vitamin E needed to achieve better tissues, which of course affect the brain. In addition, avocados provide us with folic acid, necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, since it is responsible for protecting brain cells from premature deterioration thereof.
The tomato is another food that we must consider when it comes to safeguarding our brain, and it contains a substance called lycopene, which is an important ally in preventing heart disease or bascular such as stroke, stroke … This is because this substance is a powerful antioxidant that protects tissues that form capillaries in the brain and that will make us enjoy robust health in this part of our body.
Finally we will highlight a completely natural food that has been demonized him in recent times. It is cocoa. Consumed in moderation and as natural as possible is a powerful ally of our brain and the body in general, because of the large amount of antioxidants it contains, as it will help us protect the tissues of premature aging. To this must be added the stimulating it is for the body, making improves circulation and thus the cerebral blood flow and overall activity.