With all the love runners talk about their long races, beautiful routes and recent competitions, at a doctor’s reception about their exploits, they usually keep quiet. Not everyone is ready to admit his not very sparing hobby.
“Many people are afraid to tell the doctor about injuries or any discomfort associated with running, because of fear that the doctor will completely prohibit them from doing this sport,” explains Delmas Bolin, a family physician and specialist in medical physical training from Virginia. “Therefore, they resort to silence information.”
But running puts its imprint on your body and your health. To make the most accurate diagnosis, choose the most effective treatment and help you run and continue – your doctor should know that you are a runner.
And that’s why …

1) Your heart works differently
Athletes can have “athlete’s heart syndrome”, in which years of training lead to an increase in the heart, which allows him to fight less often and with each blow to miss more blood. However, an enlarged heart and a slow heartbeat can be taken for a disease or a dangerous violation. “The symptoms of the athlete’s heart do not in themselves represent a danger and develop with years of training, but they resemble symptoms, for example, cardiomyopathy,” explains cardiologist Todd Miller. Because of similar behavior, the heart of the athlete and the heart with the pathology of distinguishing will be problematic if your doctor does not know that you are running.
However, symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, or increased heart rate, which are significantly different from normal, require special attention if you are engaged in intensive training.
2) Some medicines may worsen your performance …
Runners who seek medical help for increased blood pressure should inform their doctors about their sporting goals, as some drugs may slow their speed. Beta-blockers weaken the cardiac output, which should increase during running. “Except for critical cases, beta-blockers should not be given to runners, especially in large doses,” explains cardiologist Karl Lavie. For runners living in hot climates, diuretics, also prescribed against increased blood pressure, should be avoided because of the increased risk of dehydration.
3) Others – contribute to the risk of injury
In the past May, the US Food and Drug Administration has expressed concern about the use of fluorocarbons, a class of antibiotics that can cause injuries to tendons and rupture of the Achilles tendon. These drugs, prescribed for infections of the kidneys, respiratory system, urinary tract and nasal sinuses, weaken tendons to such an extent that the runner raises the risk of their rupture and significantly prolongs the recovery period. Patients involved in running should discuss with their doctor alternative treatment options.
4) A pair of unexpectedly gained kilograms should alert
Since many runners are in a tightened form, doctors often turn a blind eye to a small addition of weight. But if the weight is typed with stable training, it’s worth telling the doctor. An unexplained increase in the scales may be a red flag indicating violations such as sleep apnea or hypothyroidism. In addition, an increase in body weight means an increased strain on the joints during running, which means an increased risk of injury. If there were no changes in your diet or in taking medication, you should discuss weight gain with your doctor.
5) Your skin may need additional protection
The doctor can also recommend to the runner additional funds for leaving the skin. Running in the fresh air can mean an increased risk of skin cancer. Dr. Bolin reminds runners of the need for sunscreen – even in winter.
Runners suffering from diabetes should pay special attention to their skin on their legs. Some diabetics develop neuropathies, in which they do not feel calluses or have fallen into the sneakers pebbles. In such patients, Dr. Bolin advises you to check your legs after each run: “Make sure you do not have calluses, because they can go to something more dangerous due to diabetes.”
6) The boundary level of iron can interfere with your running
Unexplained fatigue can be associated with a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, a viral infection or an iron deficiency. Although the first and second can be identified on a routine examination with a doctor, things are more difficult with iron. Fatigue can already occur at the lower border of the normal level of iron, which some physicians may find the norm in the absence of anemia.
If you are still hesitant to tell your doctor about running, fearing that you will be banned from doing it, you may need to find a specialist in sports medicine. Such a doctor will try to choose for you treatment or changes in lifestyle to retain the ability to practice your favorite sport.