Upbeat songs about moving home.

There is not much in life that’s more stressful than moving home, from the countless hours wrapping delicate china and glass to the sorting boxes when you actually arrive at the new property.  The long hours of cleaning, packing, chasing up Solicitors and movers as well as chivvying up the other members of your household can be arduous to say the least.  How can you possibly make this laborious process bearable or even fun?  Strangely the answer is actually quite simple!  MUSIC!  Up beat tunes played about moving away, saying goodbye to old friends and making new ones can make your moving days happier and put a pep in your step.

“Hit the road Jack” by Ray Charles is certainly an up beat melody that will get your feet tapping and most people will now the chorus even if they don’t know the verse.

“Move it on up” by Curtis Mayfield is another favourite sing along song that can jolly along the packing, sorting and cleaning process.

The classic all-time favourite songs like “Homeward bound” by Simon and Garfunkel and “Leaving on a jet plane” by John Denver are definitely tunes that everybody, young or old can sing along to. If you are taking the plunge and moving house then make sure you talk to the experts and do your homework search several websites and browse Estate Agents Gloucester and other desirable areas.

Moving home doesn’t have to be stressful, put the music on loud and sing-a-long, have some fun.

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