Top X Ways VWorker Can Help You Build Your E-commerce Store

When you are looking to hire someone to help you with your e-commerce store, there are several things you need to consider. Hiring freelance workers from sites such as Vworker can help you cut down on a lot of costs and headaches if approached properly. Whether you are looking to find someone who can help you with your design, install custom applications, or just do the data entry for your products, freelancers are a smart business decision.

While there are many freelance sites out there to choose from, some do not have the same quality of workers or ease of managing their workers. Vworker or formally known as Rent-A-Coder has been online providing business owners reliable, hard working freelancers since 2007 and are now a member of the Inc 5000, and rated one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S.

Why Would You Want to Use Vworker?

Vworker has qualified freelancers from all around the globe. Some have learned to perfect their skills through years of experience, where others have gone to college or university to specialize in a field. You can find workers for content writing, data entry, administrative tasks/virtual assistance, programming, research, graphic design, and more. If your business needs marketing help, or other business services, you can be sure to find someone who is qualified for the job.

Top X Ways VWorker Can Help You Build Your E-commerce Store

Vworker Provides Protection for Employers

Often times when a business owner needs help, they do not know what to look for in a contractor. They also do not know if they will get scammed or receive quality work they can use for the money they paid out.

Vworker provides employers takes care of these concerns with providing:

  • a money back guarantee
  • background research which encompasses ratings, comments, certifications, and if there has ever been a need for mediation or arbitration rulings
  • ensures you will meet your deadlines by offering an “expert guarantee” in which a freelancer will put money into escrow(10%) as a commitment to getting the job done on time. If it isn’t, that money goes to pay the employers fees and to a charity.
  • Trade secrets are protected by an NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement) which is required to be signed by all freelancers/employees who will be hired by the employer
  • Assistance-if you can not find or decide on the most suitable worker for your e-commerce store project, an administrator of Vworker will work with you to come to a decision on who would be your best choice.

Vworker Offers More Choices than Other Similar Freelance Sites

When you are looking for a reliable worker to help you with your new project or writing up a code/software for your e-commerce site, you want to know that you are not wasting your time. Vworker provides you with a comparison chart for you too see in which areas they offer more advanced features and benefits.

  • Money Back Guarantee
  • 2 ways to choose to pay for work-pay by the hour which is the most affordable and flexible way to pay, or pay by the deliverable which gives you the most protection
  • Offers source code protection so nothing can be stolen or used outside of your rights
  • You can post jobs on a Bulletin Board and in the Project Auctions which both offer various benefits depending on the type of job you are looking to post
  • Customer Service is the best rated with being available 7 days a week while other sites are only available from Mon-Friday during regular business hours(which could vary depending on where they are in the world), Vworker offers live support by chat, email, or phone. Many other sites only offer email support which can really hurt your business if you have an urgent job to have completed or a problem that needs to be resolved right away.

Why bother with the hassle of trying to find workers on your own, going through resume after resume, and then trying to find a way to communicate with them when you can use a trusted service such as Vworker to take care of all of that for you.

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