Why does the liver hurt?

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling bitter in your mouth? Did you notice yellowing of the tongue, skin, or sclera of the eyes? Do you feel pain in the right hypochondrium? If you give a positive answer to any of these questions, then, apparently, you have problems with the liver. But why does the liver ache?

The liver can be spoiled with alcohol, medications, malnutrition, but it can be restored. Therefore, do not despair immediately if you have found one or more symptoms of liver disease. You can still fix it.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with 4 facts that can help in the treatment of liver diseases …

Fact No. 1: The liver functions in the body are very numerous and diverse

Despite the fact that familiarity with the functions of the liver is not associated with treatment as such, however, it will be superfluous to recall what the liver does.

The liver performs in our body more than 500 various functions and is so important internal organs that any destruction of the liver or its removal inevitably leads to death within 1-5 days.

One of the most important functions of the liver is the filtration function. All the blood of the human body passes through the liver, and all the harmful substances that enter the blood are filtered out, destroyed, processed or removed from the body.

The liver is for the body a kind of depot of important essential elements. To begin with, all glucose in the blood, under the influence of the hormone of the insulin pancreas, Processed in the liver in a spare form of energy – glycogen. The liver stores glycogen, thereby lowering the sugar in the blood of a person. Subsequently, glycogen is consumed by the body for energy needs.

In addition to glycogen, the liver contains iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 and others, and also produces a large number of proteins, including proteins responsible for blood clotting.

The liver is an unpaired organ that cannot be replaced, so it is necessary to take very careful consideration of its diseases and take immediate action. And also produces a large number of proteins, including proteins, responsible for clotting of blood. The liver is an unpaired organ that cannot be replaced, so it is necessary to take very careful consideration of its diseases and take immediate action. And also produces a large number of proteins, including proteins, responsible for clotting of blood. The liver is an unpaired organ that cannot be replaced, so it is necessary to take very careful consideration of its diseases and take immediate action.

Fact No. 2: There are basic symptoms that indicate liver disease

Symptoms of liver diseases that need to be addressed and that require an immediate visit to the doctor are: bitterness in the mouth (especially in the morning), yellowness of the tongue, skin, sclera (squirrel) of the eyes, pain in the right hypochondrium.

When the liver, for various reasons, ceases to fulfill its filtering function, the amount of bilirubin increases in the blood. With normal liver function, it must be excreted from the body along with bile. It is the increase in the level of bilirubin associated with the yellowing of the tongue, skin and eye protein.

Also, very often pain in the right upper quadrant is associated with illness or enlargement of the liver. Despite the fact that the liver itself has no pain receptors and, as a consequence, cannot experience pain, however, the capsule in which it is contained has pain receptors. When the liver starts not to cope with its functions, it often begins to increase its volume. In this case, the capsule of the liver is stretched, which leads to pain in the right side, under the ribs.

Bitterness in the mouth, despite the abundance of the causes of its generators, can, together with the remaining symptoms, also indicate a malfunction in the operation of the liver. To find out the reason of this symptom it is possible by means of gastroscopy and ultrasound of the liver.

Despite the fact that the listed symptoms may not be related to the liver, nevertheless, it is necessary to find out the presence or absence of their connection with liver diseases immediately. If liver diseases are detected, urgent treatment is required. Which leads to pain in the right side, under the ribs.

Fact No. 3: Alcohol is the main enemy, which has a very negative effect on the liver

Alcohol is probably the most common cause of liver problems and diseases. For an organism alcohol is poison, therefore, after alcohol is absorbed in the small intestine, the blood enters the liver, which begins to perform filtering functions. If the dose of alcohol in the blood is within the normal range, then the liver will easily perform blood cleansing, but if the dose is increased, it will require hard work from the liver.

A safe dose of alcohol per day for men is considered to be no more than 24 grams of ethanol, which equals 60 ml. Vodka, 90 ml. Wine or 240 ml. Beer. For women, the dose is less than exactly half – 12 grams of ethanol. If this safe dose of alcohol is exceeded, the liver starts to work in an emergency mode, at the limit of possibilities.

From frequent work with large amounts of alcohol, And dangerous for health and life is considered a dose of alcohol in 40-80 grams of ethanol (200-400 ml of vodka), the liver greatly increases the volume. In addition to all the above symptoms, this can lead to loss of liver function of the destruction of sex hormones. This leads to the fact that in the body of men, female sex hormones begin to accumulate, and in the body of women – male, with the following consequences, such as: decreased sexual desire and changes in secondary sexual functions.

Alcohol is so harmful to the functioning of the liver that in 25-35% of cases it causes death due to cirrhosis – severe liver damage, when its cells are destroyed, replaced with connective tissue and cease to perform their functions. Therefore, if there is no possibility completely to refuse from the use of alcohol,

Fact No. 4: Recovering the liver is possible

Good news for all of us: although the liver is an extremely vulnerable organ, it is well regenerated. If changes in the liver cells have not yet become irreversible, you can achieve restoration of the liver following the following simple rules:

  • It is necessary to stop spoiling the liver. Alcohol in unreasonable amounts, malnutrition and other actions adversely affecting the liver, should completely change.
  • It is necessary to normalize the nutrition in accordance with the generally accepted norms of caloric value and usefulness.
  • It is necessary to take liver restoring drugs. These drugs are prescribed by a doctor after the examination.

Our liver is a very big worker, who performs his numerous functions every second. In order not to face the problems of this valuable body, it is necessary to adhere to moderation in nutrition and alcoholic beverages, which will help to avoid most of the causes of liver diseases.

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