I Will Survive!

If you’ve ever watched the film Castaway starring Tom Hanks, you might have wondered in passing if you could survive as well as his character did for that long on a deserted island. It seems we have become obsessed with matters of survival and there are many online games that feature scenarios where you must survive being abandoned alone in hostile territory. In the highly unlikely event you find yourself in your own version of ‘Stranded’ then here are some potentially life-saving tips:

  1. Don’t Panic

Easier said than done but many people, with no survival experience, have survived for long periods of time by clear thinking and the ability to remain calm. Keeping a positive mental attitude enables people to continue with life-saving routines and not give in to despair. For all your outdoor kit needs, whether on a desert island or a harmless hike, you need an Online bushcraft store. For more information, visit angloforro.co.uk

  1. Water

This needs to be priority number one as you can survive for longer without food than you can without hydration. If you’re not conveniently located near a stream, you’ll need some kind of water collection device. Search for something that can be used to catch rain or any possible caves where you might find dripping water. You can also locate water by digging a hole, putting a container in the bottom surrounded by wet leaves and covering with tarp. Weigh down the tarp or any other plastic with rocks so water will collect and drop into the container.


Eventually hunger will make you stir crazy but avoid the potential dangers of unidentified plants and stick to bananas or coconuts if you’re on a desert island. Fishing is your best bet if you’re surrounded by ocean. It’s not easy but you could try using a sharpened stick or maybe a safety pin for a hook. Look out for crabs on the beach and molluscs, clams and seaweed are all edible.

  1. Avoid Getting Hurt

If you have been injured from a plane crash or ship wreck, you must see to your injuries first and try not to sustain any other whilst you are on the island. In a tropical environment, a small cut can turn septic quickly and ultimately lead to gangrene. The best piece of equipment is a bit unexpected but is actually a pair of wellies. Keeping your feet dry, avoiding cutting your feet on broken shells or the poisonous barbs of a cone shell or jellyfish make wellies a life-saving item. They can also be used to collect and store rainwater. So, forget the matches and the spear, what you really want are wellies.

  1. Shelter

During the day, you’ll need shelter from the sun and believe it or not, you’ll need shelter from hypothermia if thunderstorms occur in the evenings. Sleeping arrangements must be off the ground in case of snakes, building a fire around your shelter will also help deter them. If you can find any sort of netting then this should cover your sleeping area to avoid insect bites as much as possible. Avoid building your shelter underneath a coconut tree as you don’t want one falling on your head!

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