Three Career Self-Reinvention Movies Like The Intern

We are all known for changing our careers in correspondent to the ever-changing times, and movies like The Intern offers people many ways that both young and old can adjust to the job shifts we’ve burdened ourselves with.

The Intern portrays the story of a 70-year-old widower (played by Robert De Niro) who took a job as an intern in an online fashion company. Anne Hathaway played the young CEO of the movie, who was able to learn some things from the old-timer who still retained his business sense. This movie mixed drama with comedy to show you how generations react to bitter career shifts.

Want more movies like The Intern? Continue reading this article from real money casinos in USA to find them out.


The Internship (2013)

The Internship is a story centred on two salesmen who found themselves unemployed after their employer suddenly shut down his business. With almost nowhere to turn to, they decided to enrol on a Google internship program in hopes of landing a job, despite not having tech-related skills and enough knowledge about the tech industry.

With Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn taking up the role of the longtime salesmen, they teamed up to help each other navigate through the digital world to save their lives. This film displays challenges that are ever-present in all generations when it comes to the competition in technology-related jobs, and it also highlighted that both can pick up a thing or two from each other.

While it almost looked like a Google-oriented commercial film, it still managed to give us a precise look at what’s going on in tech giant companies.


Chef (2014)

This is a film based on the story of a hotheaded chef whose public meltdown left him unemployed. However, this gave him the chance to rekindle his love for cooking the cuisines he loves and ended up transforming this love into a food truck business. 

Jon Favreau took the role of director and main character for this story which showed how adults can reinvent themselves as they suffer from hardships and scrutiny. Having previously served at a luxurious restaurant, the character once again tries to re-establish his career in the limelight. This is a story that sends encouraging messages to already-established professionals that rebranding their careers is still possible, or you can just opt for the games at New Zealand casino.


Jerry Maguire (1996)

This is a story about a sports agent who wrote an epiphany that berated his company, and he got fired for it. Trying to get back up by rebuilding himself with his own agency, the agent discovered more epiphanies in dealing with professionals with the same talent as himself and being loved by folks outside the limelight.

The “show me the money” line made by Tom Cruise in this film has become legendary in the social media world. This film created a good balance between intense scenes and tender moments. This movie displayed a good behind-the-scenes peek, to the viewers, of how the sports industry operates on the business side of things. This is a movie packed with romance, career talk, and sports, which made it the 9th highest-grossing film of the 1996 era.

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