The remarkable attitude of Johnboy Smith

For many of us, even the thought of losing the use of part of our bodies is horrifying.  Coming to terms with having to be in a wheelchair or have to use Walking Aids like those available from is one that many of us could not deal with happening. You can imagine then how the 16-year-old Johnboy Smith felt when he was shot in the spine by a farmer. The man believed, wrongly, that Johnboy and his friends were poaching on his land and fired a warning shot with his shotgun. The blast hit Johnboy in the back, and he could not use his legs. He was left with other injuries, including a collapsed lung and perforated bowel.

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However, as Johnboy himself says, disability and tragedy need not be the end of life. Despite these vast setbacks, Johnboy found hope and salvation in disabled sports. Then, starting in the seated throwing events, he found a new lease on life and the chance to prove himself to those around him.

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Johnboy decided to change his discipline to wheelchair racing and has received coaching from the excellent David Weir himself. This has inspired him to want to win gold in the 2020 games, which were delayed by COVID. His determination is legendary; he seeks to emulate David Weir and win the marathon. For him, this is the pinnacle, and he would see all his dreams come true. He is a very inspirational man.




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