You might think you’re going to have to spend a fortune getting your car in top MOT-passing condition. Fear not, bettering your chances of passing an MOT with flying colours could be easier than you think. By carrying out a few simple checks, some very basic DIY and even throwing in the odd service means a higher chance of passing your MOT and spreading the cost instead of splurging on everything all at once when the car fails.
Something else that helps to keep your car in good condition is storing it in a garage – a garage provides your car with security, as well as protection from the elements. Make sure that your garage is in good condition and doing a good job – secure garage doors like these from this garage doors Gloucester based company
Here are the things to check to keep on top of your car maintenance:
Exterior Checks:
Make sure your registration plates are securely attached to the car and clean.
Ensure your reg plate meets font regulations.
Check your exterior for any loose part or anything hanging off, generally checking that everything is in good order. Any sharp edges will need dealing with, as they are an instant failure.
Check your brake fluid levels and that you have enough fuel as the garage will need to complete an emissions test.
Check oil levels too.

Interior Checks:
Having your car valeted or cleaning it yourself will not only make you feel more positive about the car but if the mechanic sees the car is cared for, he or she might be more likely to ignore a small problem.

Check that all your warning lights come on and off when switching the engine on. If any stay on while the car is running, this will lead to a negative point in the MOT. Warning lights
Be sure your seats are not moving around and are locked safely into position. A damaged or excessively frayed seatbelt will also lead to failure. Ensure that all seatbelts click in and out properly and securely.
Ensure all mirrors are clean and in the correct positions and should all be visible and unblocked from the driver’s seat position.
Mechanical checks to your vehicle should include:
Pressing down on each corner of your vehicle to check for suspension issues. These are often tough to spot but you might know something’s up if you hear creaking sounds when driving.
Exhaust – have a good look to be sure that nothing is loose or hanging off. Ensure there are no leaks, and the silencer is working.
Emissions are a legal requirement and will depend a great deal on the age and type of car you have. If you notice a lot of smoke coming from your exhaust, then you likely have an issue with emissions.