Sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) spread through intimate contact. During sexual activity, they can be passed on to other people.
STIs are caused by bacteria and viruses that can infect humans and other animals. Some are contracted through direct contact with the affected partner. Use of condoms and dental dams can help protect against catching an infection. Herpes can be spread through oral sex. It is not known which organ is the source of the transmission. However, it is possible to contract hepatitis from skin-to-skin contact, sharing needles, and other contaminated objects.

Some STIs are more common than others. These conditions may be spread through skin-to-skin contact, bodily fluids or via a shared needle. While most STIs are acquired through sexual contact, some are passed through non-sexual means, such as blood transfusions and shared needles. Symptoms of sexually transmitted disease may be absent, making the infection go undiagnosed until a partner becomes infected with the disease. To be on the safe side, consider Chlamydia Testing Kits London from a site like Checkurself, a provider of Chlamydia Testing Kits London
STIs are usually spread through sexual activity. During the early stages, treatment is possible. Although there is no cure for HIV, there are excellent treatments now and a good way to prevent an infection is to avoid unprotected sex. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, an STI can be present and the longer it is left untreated, the more damage it could cause in the long term.
STIs can be acquired through contact with infected bodily fluids or mucous membranes. Some of these diseases can be passed from person to person through vaginal or anal sex. Some STIs can be passed from mouth to genitals and vice versa. Some of these infections can be painful or uncomfortable, but they are generally treatable. When you’re infected, you’ll need to see a doctor to access the right treatment, which in many cases will include a course of antibiotics.

STIs are common but they don’t always cause symptoms. Unfortunately, if you don’t get treatment, they can lead to serious health problems, so it’s important to get tested. STI testing isn’t a big deal. Most STIs can be treated easily with readily available medications, so it’s vital to get tested. The best way to prevent becoming infected is to always practice safe sex.
Although most STIs don’t have any symptoms, some may cause painful genitals, so it’s important to see a doctor if you suspect that you have a sexually transmitted disease. Some symptoms are mild and harmless, while others can be very serious. In some cases, a person can have asymptomatic STIs, but the symptoms will vary from case to case so if in doubt, get it checked out.