What is Cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry describes any dental procedure that is designed to improve the physical appearance of the teeth. It may have some other positive effects, but that is the main purpose. The technology and science surrounding cosmetic dentistry have improved vastly in recent years. It is now more affordable and accessible than ever. Many general dentists offer these kinds of services.


Of course, many children had some kind of cosmetic dentistry when they were growing up. Braces are a common rite of passage for many children. Kids, and adults, still get braces today, they’re just different. Braces today are invisible. These Invisalign braces can be taken out when it’s time to eat or in important social situations. This is something that you could never do with more traditional braces. The fact that you can take Invisalign braces out makes them much more healthy because you can brush and floss in areas that you can’t get to with traditional braces.

Dental Implants

As you get older, you may get a tooth that a severe enough cavity that it has to be removed. This is a better solution that getting dentures. Implants are a permanent solution to the problem. When a dentist gives you an implant, they drill directly into the jawbone and mount the tooth to it via a screw.


You have to meet some criteria to be eligible to receive dental implants. It is a somewhat invasive surgery, so you must be in good overall health. It is also important to have healthy gums to avoid infection. Dental implants are the ideal solution for missing teeth. Before you get them done the dentist will also be sure that your jawbone is strong enough to anchor the tooth in that area.

Teeth Whitening

This is a very simple form of cosmetic dentistry. It is something that you can do yourself via an over the counter method. It is much more effective and long-lasting if you have it performed by a dentist, though. There are cases where it is covered by your insurance.

There are many dentists offices in New York that offer all of these cosmetic dentistry services. Park Slope Dental in Brooklyn is just one example. If are interested in improving your smile through cosmetic dentistry, you should contact them for an appointment. It’s also just a good idea to get a check-up now and then anyways. A good looking smile is a great way to improve confidence and make good first impressions. Cosmetic dentistry is well worth the investment.

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