How background music can impact your shopping experience

Have you ever wondered why music is played in shops? Some stores get it right, while others leave customers running for the door. So why do they do it and how does it affect the way we shop? You may be surprised to know that most people find silence in store much more oppressive and uncomfortable. This is not something we think about until afterwards. Here are a few reasons why playing music stores:


It’s all about creating the perfect atmosphere. As more and more of us are choosing to shop online, physical stores have to concentrate on their customer experience to make them stand out from the competition. For this reason, most shops believe they would jeopardize their sales if they stopped playing music in the background. The kind of music chosen affects the atmosphere, so if you want to create a certain mood in store, you have to choose your music carefully. Would you like upbeat, vibrant beats or a relaxing, soothing vibe? For help with choosing the right Instore Music, visit a site like Mood Media, a supplier of Instore Music.

Setting the Pace

Did you know that the speed and volume of the music being played in the store has an effect on how quickly customers move around the aisles? Playing low volume, slow paced songs encourages shoppers to spend more time browsing while loud, fast songs make people move faster in and out of the store. You might think that moving faster means people do not stop to buy anything but strangely this does not change the speed and volume of sales figures.

Affects What Consumers Buy

Research has shown time and again that if good music is playing, shoppers will spend more on impulse purchases. When asked, the buyer claimed they were not even aware of hearing music which proves that music has a powerful subliminal effect. Classical music makes people buy more expensive items, probably because it leads customers into conscious thought about class, taste and luxury goods. If you want to have a boost on products from certain countries, then just play background music in the style of that country and it will lead people to specific products.

Brand Awareness

The music that you play can help to develop a brand identity and awareness. If you want to project a corporate image, then go with classic sophistication. Maybe your brand is edgy, hip and forward-thinking so that you can select rock, alternative, chart or pop songs. You can clearly show your personality through the volume, style and tempo of the music played.

Personal Space

Buyers use music to cocoon themselves into a personalized shopping space and they do not even realize that they are doing it. Music masks conversation and helps to prevent distraction. It also puts customers at ease so you can browse without the feeling that you are being heard or watched. It gives a sense of privacy, giving us time to make important decisions without pressure. Stores that play music are generally considered more modern, more comfortable and more likely to see repeat business.

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