Why experiences make better gifts than ‘things’

It is always difficult to find an interesting and unique gift for someone close to you, regardless of whether they are a friend, family member or loved one. You need to consider what they enjoy, and then try to come up with something they do not already have. It is exactly as the adage says: what do you give the person who has everything?

The answer is that you give an experience rather than an item. Experiences shape people’s lives more than objects, are unique and incomparable, and shared experiences can bring you closer to the people you share them with.

Experiences stick with us

You may think that a physical object would have much more impact on someone’s life than an experience that lasts for a few hours; however, funnily enough, the reverse is true.

According to some scientists, this is because ‘adaptation’ is what makes things feel stale or boring. A physical object quickly becomes normal, regardless of how cool it is for the first few hours, but an experience sticks with you and shapes you exactly because it is so different to the norm.

Experiences are difficult to compare

A big problem a lot of people face, especially when giving or receiving gifts, is the drive to ‘keep up with the Joneses’, or compare what they have to what others have.

A fancy television might be an amazing gift for someone who religiously watches football or enjoys films; however, no matter how good it is when you buy it, there is always a newer and fancier model to compare it to – and everyone has one.

On the other hand, a tank driving experience from a company such as Armourgeddon can’t really be compared to anything else, and how many people can say they have driven a tank?

Shared experiences bring people closer

While many objects are enjoyed by an individual, most experiences will involve multiple people. These are the shared moments and stories we think back to.

Something as simple as a nice meal with a loved one can be an experience you remember years later. Even important objects, such as wedding rings, are important because of the event they are tied to.

Regardless of your relationship, you should seriously consider giving the gift of a memorable experience.

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